Creating test users in Active Directory (Powershell)

I needed some test accounts to a DEMO / LAB environment today but with somewhat real names. I wrote the following Powershell script (requires ActiveDirectory module).

# Written by Rikard Strand
# Script provided AS IS  without warranty of any kind

# Import AD module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

### Variables to edit : START
# UPN Suffix (set to a valid UPN Suffix)
$upnsuffix = ""

# OU to create in (set to a valid OU)
$OU = "OU=TEST,DC=domain,DC=com"

# How many users do you want to create
 $total = 6689

### Variables to edit : END

# Generate first name, add more names if needed

# Generate sur name, add more names if needed
$sn =@()
$Sn+="Kingston","Powell","van Dam","Castle","Hull","Proctor","Keeling","Rich"

# Generate City
$city="London","Manchester","Las Vegas","Miami","Dubai","Hong Kong"
$city+="Beijing","Cairo","Jakarta","Lagos","Mexico City","New York","Moscow","Seoul"
$city+="Istanbul","Copenhagen","Tokyo","Rio de Janeiro","Bahamas","Ottawa","Quebec"
$city+="Kuala Lumpur","Nice","Paris","Osaka","Montreal","Milan","Helsinki","Glasgow"

# Generate Department
$depnames="Sales","Finace","Humans Services","Education","Defence","Support"
$depnames+="Health care","Service Delivery","Claims","HR","Agents",""

# Generate Titles
$titlenames="Consultant","Senior Consultant","Micro manager","Traniee",""

# Create the users
 for ($userIndex=0; $userIndex -lt $total; $userIndex++) 
  $userID = "{0:0000}" -f ($userIndex + 1)
  $userName = "test$userID"
  $given = $fn[(Get-Random $fn.count)]
  $sur = $sn[(Get-Random $sn.count)]
  $c = $city[(Get-Random $city.count)]
  $dep = $depnames[(Get-Random $depnames.count)]
  $title = $titlenames[(Get-Random $titlenames.count)]
  write-host $userID" | Creating "$given $sur "a" $title "in" $dep "@" $c 

New-ADUser `
   -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "Pass123." -AsPlainText -Force) `
   -City $c `
   -Company "The Global company" `
   -Department $dep `
   -Description ("TEST ACCOUNT " + $userID + "(User is meant for test purposes)")`
   -EmailAddress "$userName@theglobalcompany.test" `
   -EmployeeNumber "$userID" `
   -EmployeeID "ISED$userID" `
   -Enabled $true `
   -Name "$given $sur ($userID)" `
   -GivenName $given `
   -Surname $sur `
   -DisplayName "$given $sur ($userID)" `
   -HomePhone "703-556-$userID" `
   -MobilePhone "703-557-$userID" `
   -Path $OU `
   -POBox "PO Box $userID"`
   -PostalCode $userID `
   -SamAccountName $userName `
   -StreetAddress "$userID Global street" `
   -Title $Title `
   -UserPrincipalName $userName"@"$upnsuffix

# List all the users (requires PowerShell ISE environment)
get-aduser -filter * -SearchBase "$OU" -Properties * | Out-GridView

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