Add Storage controller to RIS image

Today I was going to prepare a RIS deployment to handle new hardware (and a new storage controller). The present RIS setup ended with an error message "No harddrive found" due to drivers missing.

To solve the issue I integrated the correct files to the RIS CD installation and added the correct entries to txtsetup.sif:

  1. Downloaded the correct drivers
  2. Copied the correct driver files to the ...\i386 catalog (on the RIS server)
    1. *.sys files
    2. *.cat files
    3. *.inf files
  3. Edited txtsetup.sif
    1. [SourceDisksFiles] section
    2. [HardwareIdsDatabase] section
    3. [SCSI.Load] section (if storage device, i.e. SATA controller)
    4. [SCSI] section (if storage device)
  4. I also added the correct drivers to ...\$OEM$\$1\Drivers\Nic (depending on driver)
  5. Edited ...\i386\templated\ristndrd.sif [Unattended] section
    1. OemPreinstall = yes
    2. OemPnpDriversPath = "\Drivers\Nic;\Driver\xxx"
    3. DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
  6. Restarted RIS/WDS services
    1. PNF files are created in the ...\i386 catalog

PXE-booted a client to install an CD install with the new drivers that I had attached to the image.

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